Aura Readings


About the experience

The aura is an electro-magnetic field that surrounds and permeates our physical body. It reflects our inner and outer states, our well-being, and houses information from our present and past. The auric field is like an energetic library, full of books written by our life experience: the stories of our inner world -our thought patterns, emotions, beliefs, and levels of consciousness- and how we relate to the outer world -our work, relationships, health, goals, actions and purpose.

​Chakras, or energy centers, weave an intricate system within the aura and provide additional information about our nature, tendencies, dynamics, and energy flow.

In an aura reading, the energy in your field is accessed to reveal information about your present situation on the physical, emotional, mental, and/or energetic planes. When relevant, information from your past that is influencing your reality today may present itself as well. Often clients walk away from the reading with a clearer perspective of what's going on, and a sense of ease and renewed connection. The process allows for bringing greater presence, well-being, and wholeness into your life.

When you sit down with Dana in a session, she will guide you through a brief meditation and then begin to share the information she receives in a clear and precise manner. She perceives this information via the instrument of her own body, and it comes through as messages, images, colors, feelings and knowing. Dana focuses on connecting with the essence of the client, while offering insight and constructive tools to work through challenges and access meaningful understanding and transformation.

All readings include a blend of practical and intuitive guidance, and energy balancing of the chakras and aura. Sessions can be held in person, by phone, or online.

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The aura is an electro-magnetic field that surrounds and permeates our physical body. It reflects our inner and outer states, our well-being, and houses information from our present and past. The auric field is like an energetic library, full of books written by our life experience: the stories of our inner world -our thought patterns, emotions, beliefs, and levels of consciousness- and how we relate to the outer world -our work, relationships, health, goals, actions and purpose.

​Chakras, or energy centers, weave an intricate system within the aura and provide additional information about our nature, tendencies, dynamics, and energy flow.

In an aura reading, the energy in your field is accessed to reveal information about your present situation on the physical, emotional, mental, and/or energetic planes. When relevant, information from your past that is influencing your reality today may present itself as well. Often clients walk away from the reading with a clearer perspective of what's going on, and a sense of ease and renewed connection. The process allows for bringing greater presence, well-being, and wholeness into your life.

When you sit down with Dana in a session, she will guide you through a brief meditation and then begin to share the information she receives in a clear and precise manner. She perceives this information via the instrument of her own body, and it comes through as messages, images, colors, feelings and knowing. Dana focuses on connecting with the essence of the client, while offering insight and constructive tools to work through challenges and access meaningful understanding and transformation.

All readings include a blend of practical and intuitive guidance, and energy balancing of the chakras and aura. Sessions can be held in person, by phone, or online.

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Hosted by

Field of Colors

Hi! My name is Dana, and I am passionate about helping people access transformation, wholeness and radical well-being through the healing arts. I am a teacher, aura reader, sound & energy practitioner, yoga instructor, dancer, musician, and a lover of life. It is my great joy and honor to support you on your journey of discovery and self-love, and I am here celebrating you whole-heartedly each step of the way!

Field of Colors LLC is a healing arts practice offering aura readings, sound healing, energy balancing, yoga, experiential learning, courses, and retreats. Its mission is to support people from all walks of life to live in greater authenticity and joy, so that we can each contribute, in our unique way, to making the world a more vibrant and loving place.

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Hi! My name is Dana, and I am passionate about helping people access transformation, wholeness and radical well-being through the healing arts. I am a teacher, aura reader, sound & energy practitioner, yoga instructor, dancer, musician, and a lover of life. It is my great joy and honor to support you on your journey of discovery and self-love, and I am here celebrating you whole-heartedly each step of the way!

Field of Colors LLC is a healing arts practice offering aura readings, sound healing, energy balancing, yoga, experiential learning, courses, and retreats. Its mission is to support people from all walks of life to live in greater authenticity and joy, so that we can each contribute, in our unique way, to making the world a more vibrant and loving place.

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