Entheogenic Integration


About the experience

Entheogenic Integration is often thought of as what happens after an experience has taken place. While this is true, the integration process can actually begin before the experience occurs. It is commonly said that a journey begins the moment you commit to the idea of doing it. We see this through synchronicity, anxiety, and our "stuff" coming to the surface hours, days, and even weeks before a session with a plant, animal, or fungal teacher begins. Entheogenic experiences can be incredibly powerful catalysts for transformation and healing.

At North Star Council, we can begin working together in preparation for an upcoming ceremony or experience.  This can help you to get clear on intentions, develop the structure or format of the session, and learn to navigate the journey with confidence and clarity.  Another common saying is that the journey is the easy part, no matter how challenging it may seem, the real work begins when we step back into our daily lives and try to apply what we have learned. It's all too common for people to allow these experiences to slip away unintegrated and become slowly forgotten like dreams. There are tools we can use to ensure that we make the most of our experiences. Entheogenic integration is also helpful for those who have experienced a traumatic psychedelic experience. Often these situations are fertile ground for tremendous healing to occur.

We also provide one on one micro-dose coaching to help you benefit as much as possible from this wonderful way of working with allies.

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Entheogenic Integration is often thought of as what happens after an experience has taken place. While this is true, the integration process can actually begin before the experience occurs. It is commonly said that a journey begins the moment you commit to the idea of doing it. We see this through synchronicity, anxiety, and our "stuff" coming to the surface hours, days, and even weeks before a session with a plant, animal, or fungal teacher begins. Entheogenic experiences can be incredibly powerful catalysts for transformation and healing.

At North Star Council, we can begin working together in preparation for an upcoming ceremony or experience.  This can help you to get clear on intentions, develop the structure or format of the session, and learn to navigate the journey with confidence and clarity.  Another common saying is that the journey is the easy part, no matter how challenging it may seem, the real work begins when we step back into our daily lives and try to apply what we have learned. It's all too common for people to allow these experiences to slip away unintegrated and become slowly forgotten like dreams. There are tools we can use to ensure that we make the most of our experiences. Entheogenic integration is also helpful for those who have experienced a traumatic psychedelic experience. Often these situations are fertile ground for tremendous healing to occur.

We also provide one on one micro-dose coaching to help you benefit as much as possible from this wonderful way of working with allies.

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This experience at a glance:

Psychedelic Integration
Therapy & Coaching
Alternative Medicine

Hosted by

Northstar Council

North Star Council is an organization operating out of the Pacific Northwest of the United States. We offer psychedelic support and 100% legal ceremony facilitation in the form of trip sitting. North Star Council provides preparation/integration services, micro dosing guidance, educational resources, and psycho-spiritual coaching. We serve individuals, couples, and small groups in person and online.

North Star Council was born of a calling to help provide safe and skillfully held containers for people to experience the transformative power of entheogenic plants and other substances. Our goal is to co-create physically, energetically, and spiritually clean spaces for people to explore the healing potential that is available when provided with an opportunity to commune with the Inner Self in a supportive and non-judgmental environment.

Due to prohibition, we see many individuals hearing this call and even heeding it, only to find themselves disappointed after a psychedelic experience or even worse, re-traumatized simply due to a lack of information, guidance and support. There is a reason traditional cultures passed down authentic ceremonies and knowledge on healing in expanded states of consciousness for generations and had designated keepers of this knowledge. If you find yourself in a culture lacking keepers of this knowledge, it is not your fault, AND we don’t believe that should stop you from receiving the benefit of entheogens, this is our birth-right, even if you have no idea what you’re doing! That’s where we come in.

This, by no means is a replacements for the traditional spiritual lineages utilizing plant medicines as sacraments all over the world. Our hope is to offer you support in creating your most ideal ceremony while meeting you right where you're at. We find great joy in bringing our knowledge and experience to you, right in the comfort of your own home.

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North Star Council is an organization operating out of the Pacific Northwest of the United States. We offer psychedelic support and 100% legal ceremony facilitation in the form of trip sitting. North Star Council provides preparation/integration services, micro dosing guidance, educational resources, and psycho-spiritual coaching. We serve individuals, couples, and small groups in person and online.

North Star Council was born of a calling to help provide safe and skillfully held containers for people to experience the transformative power of entheogenic plants and other substances. Our goal is to co-create physically, energetically, and spiritually clean spaces for people to explore the healing potential that is available when provided with an opportunity to commune with the Inner Self in a supportive and non-judgmental environment.

Due to prohibition, we see many individuals hearing this call and even heeding it, only to find themselves disappointed after a psychedelic experience or even worse, re-traumatized simply due to a lack of information, guidance and support. There is a reason traditional cultures passed down authentic ceremonies and knowledge on healing in expanded states of consciousness for generations and had designated keepers of this knowledge. If you find yourself in a culture lacking keepers of this knowledge, it is not your fault, AND we don’t believe that should stop you from receiving the benefit of entheogens, this is our birth-right, even if you have no idea what you’re doing! That’s where we come in.

This, by no means is a replacements for the traditional spiritual lineages utilizing plant medicines as sacraments all over the world. Our hope is to offer you support in creating your most ideal ceremony while meeting you right where you're at. We find great joy in bringing our knowledge and experience to you, right in the comfort of your own home.

Statement of Commitment

We believe that everyone deserves access to skilled, knowledgeable, and highly experienced supporters on their journey of healing and self-growth regardless of religion, identity, culture, age, income level, or life circumstance. It is an enormous honor to offer support in these powerful times of collective awakening and we are filled with gratitude knowing that we are playing our small part in the spiritual quickening of humanity.

Sometimes what we do matters less than how we do it. We draw on experiences and teachings from traditional plant medicine lineages, as well as the modern insights gained from the clinical therapeutic trials taking place to help you envision an experience that is powerful and relevant to where you are on your path.

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